My costumes

tisdag 14 april 2015

Stuff I've written and published

As I say in my presentation I am an historian. My field is mainly clothing and society in the medieval and early modern period.

My PhD dissertation, which I defended in 2006, can be found in full text here (PDF). Unfortunately for at least some of my readers, the text is in Swedish, though there is an English summary.

The rest of my publications are fairly equally divided between Swedish and English:

(2014) “Foreign seductions – sumptuary laws, consumption and national identity in Early Modern Sweden” in Fashionable Encounters and Creative Communities in the Early Modern 1500-1850 – The Nordic Countries and the World. Dress, Accessories and Textiles. red. Mathiassen, Tove Engelhardt, Nosch, Marie-louise, Ringgaard, Maj, Toftegaard, Kirsten & Venborg Pedersen, Mikkel (red.), Oxford, Oxbow Books

(2014) "Inget scharlakan för dåliga fruntimmer: Dräktregleringar och sexuella normbrytare i medeltidens Skandinavien" in Det våras för medeltiden. Vänbok till Thomas Lindkvist , red. Auður Magnúsdóttir, Henric Bagerius och Lars Hermanson

(2014) "Modet, samhället och kroppen" and "Informationsteknik – från tryckkonsten till smartphones" (the latter with Lars Nyström) in Perspektiv på historien: Kulturhistoria (a text book for high school on cultural history)

 (2013) “Clothing and textile materials used in medieval Sweden and Norway” in Medieval Clothing and Textiles, Woodbridge, Boydell&Brewer

(2012) ”’Tits and ass’ - klädmode och kön på 1500-talet” in Bildligt talat. Kvinnligt, manligt i 3,2 miljoner år, red. Maria Sjöberg, Göteborg, Makadam Förlag 

(2011) “Women’s dress in sixteenth-century Sweden” in Costume. The Journal of the Costume Society, nr 45, Leeds, Maney Publishing

(2011) ”Mode från Kaukasus eller från Paris? Kläder som politiska och kulturella uttryck” i Förmodern globalitet. Essäer om rörelse, möten och fjärran ting under 10 000 år, red. Anders Andrén, Lund, Nordic Academic Press

(2010) “The Perfect Picture - A Comparison between Two Preserved Tunics and 13th Century Art” in North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles X. Ancient Textiles series 5. Report from the NESAT X Conference held in Copenhagen 13-18 May 2008, Oxford , Oxbow Books,

 (2008) ”Hur modemedveten var Bockstensmannen?” in Bockstensmannen och hans tid, Varberg, Länsmuseet i Varberg (2006)

 (2005) ”Kläder, skönhet och kön i tre medeltida romaner” in Forskningsfronten flyttas fram: nordiska perspektiv, red. H.A. Larsson, Bromma, Historielärarnas Förenings förlag (HLF)

(2004) “Vad kostade kläderna? Manliga tjänares dräkt under första hälften av 1300-talet” in Historisk Tidskrift, nr 2 2004

(2004) “Written traces - wills in 13th to 15th century Scandinavia” in Textiles - priceless invention of humanity. Report from the 8th North European symposium for archaeological textiles. NESAT XVII, Ed. Jerzy Maik; Łódź, Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia, 50 ( 1 )

2 kommentarer:

  1. Interesting! Thanks for sharing these!

  2. Thanks Ary! I plan to put som of my unpublished conference papers here too, when I have the time to edit them - right noe I have to write a presentation instead.
