My costumes

fredag 28 december 2018

Costuming year in review 3: New appreciation

Another hard one - this year has mostly been about continuing reserarch and making stuff from last year's two new periods/styles: Directoire and Empire (which wasn't a new appreciation, but I hadn't done much costuming from this era since I have nowhere to wear it) and, most importantly: late 13th and early 14th century Italian.

And I really appreciate all historical styles, and has done for many years. However, this year I returned to a style that I haven't made since the late 1990s, so that will have to be it.

I have also started, very slowly on a new pair of 18th century stays, and 18th century (before the revolution) I haven't made since 2007, so that is also a return.

There are also several periods/styles that I really appreciate, but have no reason for wearing, or don't make because "everybody else" are doing them so I feel that they are over done and this might be next year's "new appreciation"

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