My costumes

lördag 23 maj 2020

More Double Wars at home

So, I've been busy with lots of stuff, but I have done at least one thing that I would have done at Double Wars every day, and here are some photos to prove it :)

Tuesday the 19th
This day I enjoyed one of my favourite pasttimes in the current middle ages, as it is called in the SCA:  hanging out in my underwear :)

There is nothing as nice as hanging out in your hand sewn linen shift; before getting dressed in the morning, as in this case, I hadn't even rebraided my hair, or after a swim or shower, or a hot day in your wool gown.

Wednesday the 20th
I had breakfast on the balcony in my shift this day too, but you've already seen that.
This day there was a zoom event, the online version of the traditional Double wars Sill(y) party. Sill means herring in Swedish, so people had prepared with pickled herring and other food and drink. I don't like herring, so I just hung out with some tea and embroidery. I am wearing my cotton Italian c. 1300 gown.

Afterwards I put on a woollen cloak and sat on my balcony, enjoying the spring evening.

Thursday the 21st
A very typical Double Wars thing, is the lavish, and not particularly medieval brunch that you can order in advance, when you sign up for the event.
On thursday morning I made a smaller version of this fior the family.

Then, since I am participating in Medieval May on instagram adn that day's theme was luxury, we can say that I got dressed for court ;) 13th-early 14th century.

What I really did that day was to walk 10 kilometres and meet my best friend and then get thoroughly sloshed on prosecco in the sun, which is a very Double Wars thing (without the walking), and then I walked the same distance home, late in the night.

Friday the 22nd
Well, I was mostly hung over, but I worked on the embroidery for my 12th century wool gown, and actually got to attach it to the gown. The embroidery is silk thread, metal thread and glass beads om silk.

Saturday the 23rd
Today I am going to make something between a feast and a dinner, from 14th centruy Italian cookbooks.
I have started on a version of torta d'herbe alla Lombarda, wearing my mid 14th century Italian working class clothing, in my very modern kitchen. . Since they are in season I am using mustard garlic and ground elder as well as some oregano and mint from my balcony.

There will also be Insalata di sparagi, lasini, funghi di monte and torta bianca.

1 kommentar:

  1. Sounds like a great way to do "Double Wars" without actually being there!
