My costumes

fredag 6 november 2020

New Regency underwear, and revisting a very old gown

 Since I took in my old c. 1805 stays from 2006 two years ago when I lost so much weight I didn't have any that fit me now that I have regained some of that weight. I have a pair of transitional stays that I cobbled together for my riding habit, but there were several problems with them - they were really just a wearable mock-up - so I thought that I'd make a new pair. 

My first pair actually also was a a wearable mock.up in a way: they were made from an old cotton damask table cloth and sewn on machine. My new ones are hand sewn from cotton broadcloth and instead of hemp cord, which was a bit thick compared to the preserved ones that I've seen it has cotton yarn in the channels. I am re-using my old busk.
But I used exactly the same me-made pattern as in 2006, only adding gores in front at the bottom.

I also made a new shift. The old one is still going strong, but I had tentatively planned to visit an empire event in Lucca in June and tehn you need more than one shift. Considering the current pandemic state I find it unlikely that it will happen next year, not for me with my compromised immune system, but one can never have too many shifts.

Old stays (and shift). I have bigger boobs now.

As I was already dressed in my underwear I decided to take some more photos. This is the first time I've worn my first Regency gown (link at the top with more info about it) since the early 2000s. It could be a little tighter at the "waist" and I desperately need to iron both the skirt and the frills.

These are taken as a part of an Instagram challenge where the thee for today is "Be more Jane". Since I don't really know waht Jane austen did except write I thought that housekeeping tasks like taking inventory of things in your cupboard might be a thing.

I am wearing the apron that belongs to my folk costume, and of course a cap. But no shoes - bad Eva! ;)

The cupboard is also 1910s-1920s Jugend inspired, I'm in a 1970s flat, and the cream and green jars are 1930s. But I like the photos.

In Sweden it was common among the lower classes in towns to wear a hard cap called bindmössa, today mostly associated with folk costumes (link to my folk costume) with modern clothing, so I took tow such photos too. And it is not only the gown that needs ironing, but the apron too. The cap would probably have been in a lighter colour at this time.

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