My costumes

söndag 17 januari 2021

Ice skating Regency style

I've wanted to do this ever since I started making Regency clothes again two-three years ago. But Gothenburg doesn't have very cold winter so most ice rinks are indoors, and not very pretty or historical. And of course they are closed now due to the pandemic. Even the one outdoor rink is closed, which I think is rather silly.

Luckily we have a cold snap right now, around - 6 C, and for the first time I tried skating on the pond by the University. Since there are so many plants in it I thought the ice would be full of debris and very uneven, but it was actually rather good, some arts even enough to make som more advanced things on skates, like standing on one leg with the other one lifted. Not advanced for a real skater, but for someone who is over 50 and hasn't skated regularly since the early 1980s.

I did some skating last evening, since I had noticed people walking on the ice when I was out hunting Pokemon during the day and thus knew that it was thick enough to hold. I haven't done much skating on nature ice, so I am a little cautious.

Since these cold snaps usually don't last long, it's supposed to rain on Tuesday, I decided to make to best of it and asked hubby to accompany me to the pond and take photos. And I can't really choose, so you'll get lots of them. I'm wearing shift, stays, petticoat, chemisette and my checked cotton gown under the redingote. And of course a small line cap under the bonnet.

I had planned to wear a "nicer" dress, with long sleeves. But then I realized that it was only 2,4 metres wide at the hem, which is a bit narrow if you want to do some more vigorous skating ;) 

Which I did.

This is how happy I get from skating.

After the photos were taken I took off the bonnet and put on a knitted cap and changed the redingote for a knitted cardigan, giving me a  sort of 1910s look.

But now I have rather sore thigh muscles after skating two days in a row after not skating for a year. I hope there will be more cold days however, I want to skate MORE!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Snyggt. I synnerhet för en som kan lite om konståkning.

  2. Oh how fun! Lovely pictures...I've always wanted to skate in historical clothing as well. I got a kick out of seeing that you go hunting for Pokemon as I sometimes still do as well, haha! Anything to get out of the house these days!

  3. Thnak you for your comment. Especially since it made me find your blog, and your Instagram.
