My costumes

torsdag 16 mars 2023

Folk dress of the late 18th century

 While working on a lecture about my folk costume and the studies I have done of rural manners of dress in that area i realized that I never posted photos of my green frieze (vadmal) skirt and jacket that I made about a year ago. The fabric is from Korps. Jackets and skirts made from green frieze is very common in the probate inventories from the time and period that I have been studying. It is a very strong green, but it is close to preserved frieze skirts from another part of Västergötland, and it was as close as I could get.

I made the pattern based on several preserved alte 18th century folk jackets, and the skirt is made the same way as my red folk costume skirt. All hand sewn of course. 

The jacket is closed with lacing in the lining, and then pinned shut.

The jacket is worn instead of the sleeveless bodice in colder weather. The apron is striped cotton, a thrifted curtain, the head scarf is also thrifted, but the neckerchief is bought from Folkdansringen Göteborg.

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