My costumes

torsdag 12 mars 2020

Re-visting the 12th century

At least I was, but it was in no way mandatory, as you will se on the photos.

Last weekend was St.Egon's Feast, one of the SCA barony Gotvik's annual events. Every other year it is also the event where the new baron and baroness are invested, and this was such a year. They had chisen to wear 12th century clothign fro their invesrtiture, which I took as a good reason to dig out my own old 12th cetnruy clothing. At least some of it, it was once one of my signature periods. But much of it has been given away, or sold, and that is good, I have more than enough garb as it is.

Since I haven't actually made any new costumes this post is mainly a collection of photos of me and others in medieval and renaissance clothes, but I hope that you enjoy it.

The new baron and baroness: Sigvald från Gudhem and Astridh Torkilsdotter

On Friday night and before court I wore two wool gowns in a style that is very commonly seen in German manuscripts from the 12th century: with a tight shorter overgown and a wider, longer undergown.
Indoors photo at night, so the colours aren't very good.

 Outdoors. Better for colour, but the double belt is actually not usually worn with this style.

The cloak is my first cloak ever, from 1993 and made from a blanket I bought a thrift store.
And as a bonus: The same clothes worn in 2006:

For court I changed into my green silk bliaut made in 2005 (it has its own page with more info here). For teh first photos I forgot my belt,but I think it looks really nice anyway. The coronet is ca 150 years too modern in style and made for me by EvaJohanna Studios.

Me being all dramatic:

Photos taken after court, when I had out on the belt. I am a fairy tale princess. Or at least baroness.

Leaving the 12th century I took these photos of some other friends:

Court baroness Katarina Krognos af Ystad, the baroness who stepped down at this event, in Iron Age Finnish clothing.

My friend and neighbour Ingeborg with her son Tom. Early 14th century (her) and 10th-12th century (him)

And Amanda in her Italianoutfit from the second half of the 15th century. This is the first costume that she made, I am very proud of her. Necklace from By Hand and Paw

1 kommentar:

  1. Thanks for the collection of photos! I don't think it's possible to go wrong with dark blue for early medieval clothing (at least, if you are portraying a high-status character). And Amanda's Italian outfit is very well done--fits perfectly and the skirt is at a good length.
