My costumes

söndag 16 februari 2020

Watching the new Emma movie in costume

While we didn't have high hopes for the movie (but it was better than we feared, and some of the costumes were really good), we still thought that it would be nice to go and see it in period costume. We were four ladies to start with, but one didn't finish her costume in time. But we liked having her there anyway ;)

Since it is winter (sort of) and daytime my best choice of dress was my grey cotton day gown. I could have worn the teal embroidered gown too I guess, but it was raining a lot, and the storm "Dennis" trying to blow us away, so I wasn't keen on a gown with a train.

It was a "Breakfast movie" with breakfast included, which started at 10 am, so this is me at 9-ish, having a cup of tea in shift, stays and petticoat. And cap of course. Note my two cute cats.

This photo is from inside the cinema. Alfhild, me and Anna.

Naturally this is not all that I wore outdoors in February. I had planned to wear my red redingote if I could fit into it, but as I suspected it was too small. I will see if I can find some scraps of the fabric to make the bodice bigger, because I'm not going to be that skinny again.

My next option was a red wool spencer that I made in 2006, but apparently I had taken it in when I was at my skinniest, without remembering it. For a while it appeared that I would have to go with just a shawl. That really hadn't been much of a problem, it is not far, and because of the rain Anna and I were taking the bus anyway. And I was after all wearing a linen shift, linen stays, a cotton petticoat, a linen chemisette and a cotton gown and over knee cotton stockings, and a shawl. Plus hot flushes ;).

But then I remembered the spencer jacket for my soon-to-be-finished regency riding habit from black wool. I am not that keen on black, but I think it looked nice with the shawl. It also would have been nice if I hade checked the collar so it wasnt' standing up before taking photos.

These are taken after we got home agin, with my curls unmade by dampness and storm winds.

2 kommentarer:

  1. I think that the black spencer, coupled with the red bonnet and red plaid shawl, was an inspired choice; you look marvelous!

  2. Thank you. With the shawl it looked really nice, without, it was a bit drab.
