fredag 17 november 2017

A very few photos from Drachenwald Kingdom Unviersity

Last weekend was Drachenwald Kingdom University in Delft. I had a marvellous time with old and new friends, and my calss on same-sex sexuality in the Middle ages was well recieved. This is not somethign I do research on myself, but built on the scholarly literature of the subject - I will post a list of suggested reading later.

I wore my c. 1300 Italian silk gown with split sides during the day on Saturday and the shiny investiture outfit at court and feast. I have just one photo of me though, a selfie at that. I was too busy being in "the current middle ages" to take photos.

Mostly of the site, which is a couple of 17th century houses that used to b used for gunpowder storage back then.

Mistress Margaret de Mey and Fru Branna från Korpåsen

The weather was nice enough to sit outside for shorter periods, so I spent some time sitting by the canal, embroidering on Valeria's camica.

2 kommentarer:

  1. I'm sure I've already mentioned to you the Lesbian Historical Motif Project (run by a fellow SCAdian...), but if not:

  2. Thanks. I think that I have missed that.
